Friday, September 20, 2013

Some interesting observations from an expert who cross trained in Chen Man Chiing Taiji and Aikido

My student Mark Wallace shared this article with me. Mark is a second Dan Aikidoka and has been studying Cheng Man-Ching style Taijiquan with me for over two years.

The article is definitely written from a one-sided point of view, but I'm curious to hear what other martial artists think about the observations made in this article.

From the article:

“At the master level, all boxing becomes one. All is moving with the tanden(dan tien).”

"On a subtler level, as Sugawara Sensei performed some techniques, I noticed that his midsection appeared more mobile than customarily seen among Aikido practitioners... Lots of times,” he said, “we use too much arm, not enough tanden.” The power should always come from the tanden and then be transferred through the body, through the arm, to the tip of the weapon, or the hand and fingers."

-Read, Think, Train